This one makes me crazy. She is happy one minute and sad the next. This girl wears her emotions on her sleeve and tears are always on the verge. She is also the sweetest thing. She cares for her little sister, and is sad when Kendall is sad, happy when Kendall is happy. The thing is, I am sure there will be times when Kendall will bug her to death, but one thing is for sure…Rylin will always give Kendall what she needs and wants. We couldn’t have asked for a better leader of our children. Rylin was meant to be the oldest.
She loves to gather change around the house and store it is secret places, this day she wanted me to take a picture of it…I just wanted a picture of her post-braided crimpy, fluffy, adorable hair that is “getting long like Anne and Bowena’s (Melina’s).