Friday, August 24, 2007

Let them eat cake

Happy birthday to Rylin!


Calley said...

I am just thrilled Ciera, thrilled you joined the blogging club. Now I get to stalk you twice over :)
Love the Ry Ry pics! She officially a toddler! Cra-z....

Crystal said...

Happy Birthday Miss Rylin! Cute picts Ciera

Sarah said...

Pumpkin, I was surprised to wake up this morning and not find a comment on my blog from you about how hot I looked yesterday. Hmm you must be REALLY busy or something. Just trying to live up to my one lesbian name or something!

Miles and Bex said...

I am so glad you found our blog. We haven't seen you guys forever. You little girl is so cute. Cute kids must run in the family. We will be in Utah for Christmas. Are you guys going home? It would be fun to get together.