Monday, June 23, 2008

Ol' Dusty Bottoms

Dustin did his first triathalon on Saturday. Rylin and I weren't able to make it, but there will be more to come soon. My friend Aspen took some pictures of the boys and I stole a couple that have Dustin in them. I am so proud of him and I know he can do anything he sets his mind to! Even the half Iron man one in September...kinda scary but I know he can do it if he REALLY REALLY wants to!
Here is Dustin in the Transition point from swimming to biking.
This is the team with a visit from Cori. Starting from the left :Mike, Eric, Jordan, Randy, Cori, Dustin and Russ (Dustin's BFFL)


Anonymous said...

Wow, thats impressive I had no idea he was into that sort of thing! Good Job!

The Gardners said...

Nice target right on your nugget pouch.

Jen said...

Good job Dusty bottoms. That's impressive. What's even more impressive is that little suit number. I need one of those little v neck numbers for Ryan.

Calley said...

Go DustDust. I'm impressed with finishing the triathalon part, and Tyson was impressed with his little spandex number, particularly the shorts. Be warned that he might try to steal them next time we're at your house.