Thursday, September 11, 2008

At the Park

Yesterday we ACTUALLY went to playgroup down the street. Rylin was kinda grumpy but still had fun I think.

She wasn't in a mood to share all of her emotions for the public, so I had a hard time getting her to smile for any pictures.
Ashlyn loved to go down the slide all by herself, we even caught her going head first once, I think Aspen liked the swings :)

This is Malakai, all boy in his hat with truck in hand!

This reminded me of Stuart who used to be on MADTV, "look what I can do!"


Jenna Marin said...

Awww. I love pictures. Rylin looks taller... maybe it's just the clothes or maybe she's grown a lot in the week and a half I've been gone. Good updating. You make me happy.

Amanda said...

good pictures...

Kyla said...

You got her to swing!!!

Unknown said...

cute pics. You're so talented.